Words Repeating Patterns of Old By Susan Vaughan Shumake January 12, 2020 Why am I so tearful? Why is my heart so hurt? Living needing to perform or I am not of worth. Where have those words come from? I remember all from him. Blazing through my confidence, only if I win. I have lived […]
Most Holy One of Heaven
Most Holy One of Heaven You are on my Heart Every breath I’m breathing A gift, a brand new start My mouth should be screaming of this miracle you’ve wrought Yet in this inbetweening I’m lost without a thought No words have coursed the pages I cannot find my way LORD give me clear direction […]
From the HEART
From the HEART By Susan Vaughan Shumake From the HEART of WORSHIP springs a Fountain Overflowing Melodies rejoice within the Soul From the HEART of FAITH there lies a Mountain Overcome by knowledge that our God can do it All From the HEART of BROKENNESS lies Wisdom For there is the beginning of a life […]
A New Year, A New Beginning, A New Today
1/2/2020 Psalm 91:13-16 Relent, O Lord! How long will it be?Have compassion on your servants.Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days.Make us glad for as many days as you have afflicted us,for as many years as we have seen trouble.May your deeds […]
The Life of Jesus
The Life of Jesus By Susan Vaughan Shumake A baby, so small, you were in that manger.A baby of peace, born into danger.Immediately loved, yet also despised,when the world received knowledge that you had arrived. The people knew somehow born was a King.Yet when later you spoke they weren’t listening.The Israelites did not understand.How could God’s […]
The Christmas Dash
December 17, 2019 The Christmas Dash By Susan Vaughan Shumake Christmas Season is upon us! Time to celebrate our King! But I can’t do that until I get out all the Christmas things. Boxes! Boxes! Wreaths and lights! Here’s our sweet nativity. I can’t look at all that now! It’s time to decorate the tree! […]
The Beauty of Being
The Beauty of BeingDecember 16, 2019 The darkness of my night is over and I am awakened to beautyI am awakened toThe beauty of beingThe beauty of being hereThe beauty of being loved The beauty of being beyondThe beauty of being able The beauty of being aliveThe beauty of being freeThe beauty of being transformedThe beauty of being […]
When Home is Broken
When Home is BrokenDecember 11, 2019 1 John 4:7-8Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. As God continues to teach me about His healing, He graciously and […]